

邮箱: dalsonsun@hotmail.com



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主要从事全球变化背景下的元素生物地球化学循环过程、植物-土壤-微生物互作机制等方面的教学和科研工作。主持和参加各类项目6项。在国内外学术刊物上发表论文20篇,其中在New Phytologist、Soil Biology and Biochemistry、Geoderma、Biology and Fertility of Soils等期刊发表SCI论文15篇,第一或通讯作者SCI论文8篇,被SCI引用490篇次,H因子11;合著专著/教材1部。申请国家发明专利2项;制订地方标准1项。











1. 微生物与人类(本科生)

2. 土壤生态学(研究生)


1. 参编教材:林咸永,倪吾钟.植物营养学实验指导.北京:中国农业出版社, 2016.


1. 杨雪芳,孙大生,杨雪萍.发明专利,一种丛枝菌根真菌连续式扩繁培养箱, 202011375311.8.已授权

2. 杨雪芳,孙大生,杨雪萍.发明专利,一种吸附式根系分泌物收集系统, 202011485298.1.已授权

3. 孟会生,洪坚平,郝鲜俊,张杰,孙大生,李廷亮,曹燕篆,张健.实用新型专利,一种农业固体废弃物发酵装置. ZL201920371501.9

4. 山西省地方标准:郝鲜俊,洪坚平,孟会生,孙大生,张杰,李廷亮,梁利宝,高文俊.矿区复垦土壤有机肥培肥技术规程, 2018.12.

1. 干湿交替驱动土壤碳氮磷转化耦合的微生物机理,山西农业大学科技创新基金,2017YJ17,2018.6-2021.6,19万元,主持,已结题
2. 干湿交替和冻融交替对土壤磷素转化和微生物群落结构的影响,山西省优秀博士资助项目,SXYBKY201720,2018.1-2019.12,5万元,主持,已结题
3. 化感物质衍生物吡喃酮对土壤微生物群落的影响,山西省高等学校大学生创新创业训练计划项目,2020.1-2021.1,指导老师,已结题
4. 北方小麦化肥农药减施技术集成研究,国家重点研发计划项目,2018YFD0200401,2018.1-2020.12,40万元,骨干参加,已结题
5. 集约化菜地水热特定环境因素对作物养分吸收利用的影响及其机制,国家重点基础研究发展计划,2007CB109305,2017.1-2012.12,345万元,参与,已结题
6. 畜禽有机肥配施磷肥对磷形态转化及化肥磷有效性的影响机理,国家重点基础研究发展计划,2013CB127403,2013.1-2017.12,100万元,参与,已结题
1. Yang X, Jiang N,Sun D*. Dry–wet cycles induce the decoupling of carbon and nitrogen mineralization at high temperatures in semi-arid grassland soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 2024, 188:109227. (通讯作者,中科院一区Top, IF=9.70)
2. Sun D, Yang X, Wang Y, Fan Y, Ding P, Song X, Yuan X, Yang X*. Stronger mutualistic interactions with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi help Asteraceae invaders outcompete the phylogenetically related natives. New Phytologist. 2022, 236:1487-1496. (一作,中科院一区Top, IF=10.32)
3. Yang X, He Y, Song X, Yuan X, Li Y,Sun D*. Reduced growth responses of mesosulfuron-methyl-resistant blackgrass to allelopathic wheat are driven by underground chemical interaction. Plant and Soil. 2020, 448(1):369-381.(通讯作者,中科院二区Top, IF=4.99)
4. Sun D, Yang X, Wang C, Hao X, Hong J, Lin X*. Dynamics of available and enzymatically hydrolysable soil phosphorus fractions during repeated freeze-thaw cycles. Geoderma. 2019, 345:1-4. (一作,中科院一区Top, IF=7.42)
5. Huang X, Jia Z, Guo J, Li T,Sun D, Meng H, Yu G, He X, Ran W*, Zhang S, Hong J, Shen Q. Ten-year long-term organic fertilization enhances carbon sequestration and calcium-mediated stabilization of aggregate-associated organic carbon in a reclaimed Cambisol. Geoderma. 2019, 355:113880. (中科院一区Top, IF=7.42)
6. Sun D, Bi Q, Li K, Dai P, Yu Y, Zhou W, Lv T, Liu X, Zhu J, Zhang Q, Jin C, Lu L, Lin X*. Significance of temperature and water availability for soil phosphorus transformation and microbial community composition as affected by fertilizer sources. Biology and Fertility of Soils. 2018, 54(2):229-241. (一作,中科院一区Top, IF=6.61)
7. Sun D, Bi Q, Li K, Zhu J, Zhang Q, Jin C, Lu L, Lin X*. Effect of soil drying intensity during an experimental drying-rewetting event on nutrient transformation and microbial community composition. Pedosphere. 2018, 28(4):644-655. (一作,中科院二区, IF=5.51)
8. Yu Y, Zhou W, Zhou K, Liu W, Liang X, Chen Y,Sun D, Lin X*. Polyamines modulate aluminum-induced oxidative stress differently by inducing or reducing H2O2 production in wheat. Chemosphere. 2018, 212:645-653. (中科院二区Top, IF=8.94)
9. Xue J, Yuan Y, Zhang H, Ren A, Lin W, Sun M, Gao Z*,Sun D. Carbon footprint of dryland winter wheat under film mulching during summer-fallow season and sowing method on the Loess Plateau. Ecological Indicators. 2018, 95:12-20. (中科院二区Top, IF=6.26)
10. Sun D, Bi Q, Xu H, Li K, Liu X, Zhu J, Zhang Q, Jin C, Lu L, Lin X*. Degree of short-term drying before rewetting regulates the bicarbonate-extractable and enzymatically hydrolyzable soil phosphorus fractions. Geoderma. 2017, 305:136-143. (一作,中科院一区Top, IF=7.42)
11. Sun D, Li K, Bi Q, Zhu J, Zhang Q, Jin C, Lu L, Lin X*. Effects of organic amendment on soil aggregation and microbial community composition during drying-rewetting alternation. Science of the Total Environment. 2017, 574:735-743. (一作,中科院一区Top, IF=10.75)
12. Chen Q, Qi L, Bi Q, Dai P,Sun D, Sun C, Liu W, Lu L, Ni W, Lin X*. Comparative effects of 3, 4-dimethylpyrazole phosphate (DMPP) and dicyandiamide (DCD) on ammonia-oxidizing bacteria and archaea in a vegetable soil. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2014:1-11. (中科院二区, IF=5.56)
13. Xue Q, Dai P,Sun D, Sun C, Qi L, Ostermann A, He Y, Lin X*. Effects of rainfall and manure application on phosphorus leaching in field lysimeters during fallow season. Journal of Soils and Sediments. 2013, 13(9):1527-1537. (中科院三区, IF=3.54)
14. Xue Q, Shamsi IH,Sun D, Ostermann A, Zhang Q, Zhang Y, Lin X*. Impact of manure application on forms and quantities of phosphorus in a Chinese Cambisol under different land use. Journal of Soils and Sediments. 2013, 13:837-845. (中科院三区, IF=3.54)
15. 司马鑫琪,钟佳辉,张延慧,谭怡颖,王江,杨雪芳,孙大生*.吡喃酮对黑土微生物群落结构的影响.山西农业科学. 2022, 50(5):690-697.
16. 贺晓勇,孙大生,杨雪萍,原向阳,宋喜娥,姚翔,郭平毅,杨雪芳*.咪唑乙烟酸对谷子生理特性及产量构成的影响.农药学学报. 2022, 24(2):341-351.
17. 李媛,郝鲜俊*,高文俊,杨杰,孟会生,张杰,孙大生.不同有机肥对矿区复垦土壤磷素累积及淋失风险研究.水土保持学报. 2022, 36(02):344-351.
18. 杨雪芳*,孙鹏,孙大生,宋喜娥,董淑琦,原向阳,郭平毅.化感物质衍生物吡喃酮对不同谷子品种的安全性评价.应用生态学报. 2020, 31(7):2236-2242.
19. 张杰,尚妍萌,谢钧宇,孟会生,郝鲜俊,孙大生,洪坚平*.我国五大淡水湖泊湿地土壤细菌和古菌群落的地理分布及共现性特征.生态学杂志, 2020, 39(12), 4131.


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