Webpage in English:https://researchmap.jp/40896809?lang=en
主要从事生物化学与分子生物学的研究,聚焦于昆虫化感受体及营养代谢机制。作为课题负责人主持国家重点研发计划项目青年科学家课题,主持日本学术振兴会科学基金等。在Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry,Pest Management Science,ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,Chemical Communications等期刊发表论文30余篇。
2013.03–2016.03 博士,东京农工大学
2005.09–2009.07 学士,贵州师范大学
2023.11至今 教授/研究员,博士生导师,河北大学
2023.06–2023.11 研究员(校聘),博士生导师,河北大学
2022.04–2023.06 研究员(校聘),硕士生导师,河北大学
2020.04–2022.03Assistant Professor,东京农工大学
担任Journal of Natural Pesticide Research期刊编辑,Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry;Pest Management Science;International Journal of Molecular Sciences;Insects;Biomolecules;Frontiers in Physiology;Scientific Reports;Genes;Agronomy;Life;International Journal of Agricultural Science and Food Technology;The Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society等10余种SCI期刊独立审稿人。
4.2021/04-2024/03,日本学术振兴会科学研究经费,Deciphering the Functions of Gustatory Receptors In the Recognition of Host Plant and Midgut Environment Using Knockout Silkworms,30万元,在研,主持;
5.2020/04-2022/05,东京农工大学与美国CotevaAgriscience校企合作项目,CollaborativeResearchProject on Phage Display Technology,220万元,已结题,主持(日方项目负责人).
(†共同第一作者, *通讯作者)
1.Sun J..†Zhang WJ.,†, Cui Z., Pan Y.., Guy S., Zhang L., Wickham J., Sun J.,*Mang D.,*2024.HcGr76 responds to fructose and chlorogenic acid and involves in regulation of peptides expression in the midgut ofHyphantria cunealarvae.Pest Management Science.https://doi.org/10.1002/ps.8285(JCR一区,IF=4.10)
2.Zhou Z.,†Mang D.,†Smagghe G., Liu Y., Mu Y., Yang L., Wang X., Chen X.,*2024. A Farnesyl Pyrophosphate Synthase Gene Is Expressed in Fat Body Regulates Cantharidin Synthesis in Male Epicauta impressicornis Blister Beetle.Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry,72 (23): 12935-12945.(JCR一区,IF=5.895)
3.YuanT.,†Mang D.,†Purb, E.R.,†Ye J., Qian J., Rao F., Wang H., Wu Z., Zhang W., Zheng Y., Zhang Q., Li Z.,*Zhang L.,*2024. Identification and Functional Analysis of Odorant Binding Proteins inApriona germari(Hope).Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry,accepted.(JCR一区,IF=5.895)
4.Mang D.,*Toyama, T., Yamagishi, T., Sun J., R. Purba E., Endo H., M. Matthews M., Ito K.,Nagata N., Sato, R.,*2023.Dietary compounds activate an insect gustatory receptor on enteroendocrine cells to elicit myosuppressin secretion.Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.155, 103927. (JCR一区,IF=4.421).
5.Mang D.,†*Mayu K†, Toyama, T., Yamagishi, T.,Sato, R.,*2022.BmGr4 responds to sucrose and glucose and expresses in tachykinin-related peptide-secreting enteroendocrine cells.Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 150,103858.(JCR一区,IF=4.421).
6.Mang, D.,†Roy SR.,†Zhang Q.,†Hu, X.,Zhang, Y., 2021.Heparan-Sulfate-Instructed Self-Assembly Selectively Inhibits Cancer Cell Migration.ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces.13, 15, 17236–17242.(JCR一区,IF=10.383)
7.Mang, D.,†Zhang, S.,†Wu, X., Mochizuki T., Li G., Zhang, Y., 2019. Enzyme-mediated dual-targeted-assembly realizes a synergistic anticancer effect.Chemical Communications. 55, 6126–6129.(JCR一区,IF=6.065).
8.Mang, D.,†Shu, M.,†Tanaka, S., Nagata, S., Takada, T., Endo, H., Kikuta, S.,Tabunoki, H., Iwabuchi, K.,Sato, R., 2016.Expression of the fructose receptor BmGr9 and its involvement in the promotion of feeding, suggested by its co-expression with neuropeptide F1.Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 75, 58–69.(JCR一区,IF=4.421).
9.Mang, D.,Shu, M., Endo, H., Yoshizawa, Y., Nagata, S., Kikuta, S., Sato, R., 2016. Expression of a sugar clade gustatory receptor, BmGr6, in the oral sensory organs, midgut, and central nervous system of larvae of the silkwormBombyx mori.Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.70, 85–98.(JCR一区,IF=4.421)
10.Mang, D.,†Sona R.,†Hong H. H., Wu, X.,Zhang,J.,Jin, C., Zhang, Y., 2020.Self-assembly of Integrin Ligands on Apical Membrane Inhibits the Migration of Glioma Cell.Langmuir. 36(14):3750–3757.(JCR二区,IF=4.331)
11.Zhang,X.,†R. Purba,E.,†Sun,J.,†Zhang,Q., Dong,S., Zhang,Y., He,P.,Mang,D.,*ZhangL.,*2023. Functional differentiation of two general-odorant binding proteins inHyphantria cunea(Drury).Pest Management Science. 79 (9): 3312-3325.(JCR一区,IF=4.10)
12.Zhu, X., Xu, J., Li, L., Wang, D., Zhang, M., Yu, N., Purba, E. R., Zhang, F., Li, X., Zhang, Y*.,Mang, D.,*2020.Analysis of Chemosensory Genes inSemiothisa cinereariaReveals Sex-Specific Contributions for Type-II Sex Pheromones Chemosensation.Genomics.112 (6): 3846-3855.(JCR二区,IF=4.301)
13.Wu, Z., Ye, J., Qian, J.,Purba, E.R.,Zhang, Q., Zhang, L.*,Mang, D.,*2022. Identification and Expression Profile of Chemosensory Receptor Genes inAromia bungii(Faldermann) Antennal Transcriptome.Insects.13, 96. https://doi.org/10.3390/insects13010096(JCR二区,IF=3.139).
14.Liu,D., Deng, J., Xu, W., Gu, T., Rinawati, P.E., Zhang,Q-H., Wickham, J.D.,Mang, D.,*Zhang, L.,* 2022. Ultrastructureof Sensilla on the Antennae and Mouthparts of Hyphantria cuneaLarvae.PeerJ.(JCR二区,IF=2.984).
15.Zhang,X.,†Mang, D.,†Liao, H., Ye, J., Qian, J., Dong, S., Zhang, Y., He, P., R. Purba, E., Zhang, L., 2020. Functional disparity of three pheromone-binding proteins to different sex pheromone components inHyphantria cunea(Drury).Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.69, 55−66.(JCR一区,IF=5.895)
16.Qian, J.,†Mang, D.,†Lv, G., Ye, J., L, Z., Chu, B., Sun, L., Liu, Y., Zhang, L., 2020..Identification and Expression Profile of Olfactory Receptor Gene Based onApriona germari(Hope) Antennal Transcriptome.Frontiers in Physiology.doi: 10.3389/fphys.2020.00807(JCR二区,IF=4.755)
17.He, P.,†Mang, D.,†Wang,H.,Wang, M., Ma, Y., Chen, G., Wang, J., Zhang, F., He. M., 2020. Molecular characterization and functional analysis of aSpodoptera exiguaubiquitous carboxylesterase suggested it acted as a cuticle enzyme degradation of ester chemical stimulus.Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology.163, 227–234.(JCR二区,IF=4.966)
18.Ye, J.,†Mang, D.,†Ke, K., Cheng, C., Zhang, X., Tang, Y., Song. L., Zhang, Q., Zhang, L., 2021. Putative Carboxylesterase Gene Identification and Their Expression Patterns inHyphantria cunea(Drury).PeerJ.e10919.(JCR二区,IF=2.984)
19.Endo, H., Tsuneto, K., Yamagishi, T.,Mang, D.,Ito, K., Nagata, S., Sato, R., 2022. Two gustatory receptors involved in host plant recognition of silkworm larvae.bioRxiv preprintdoi:https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.09.12.507514.
20.Wang, Y., Adegawa,S.,Miyamoto, K., Takasu, Y., Iizuka, T., Wada, S.,Mang, D.,S., Li, X., Kim, S., Sato, R., Watanabe, K., 2021.ATP-binding cassette transporter subfamily C members 2, 3 and cadherin protein are susceptibility-determining factors inBombyx morifor multipleBacillus thuringiensisCry1 toxins.Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 139: 103649 (JCR一区,IF=4.421)
21.Shii, F.,Mang, D.,Dingze Mang, Kasubuchi, M., Tsuneto, K., Toyam, T., Sasaki,K., Endo, H.,Sato, R., 2021. Ultrasensitive detection by maxillary palp neurons allows non-host recognition without consumption of harmful allelochemicals.Journal of Insect Physiology.132: 104263.(JCR一区,IF=2.608)
22.Li G.,Hu, X., Nie, P.,Mang, D.,Jiao, S, Zhang, S., Zhou, Y., Hoh, H., Roy, S., Yukawa, S., Asahina, S., Sugasawa, H., Cortes, W., Zhou, Z., Zhang, Y., 2021. Lipid-raft-targeted Molecular Self-assembly Inactivates YAP to Treat Ovarian Cancer.NanoLetetrs.21, 747−755.(JCR一区,IF=12.262)
23.LiJ., Chen Y., Wang Q., Yin M., Ma S., Liu Q., Sun X., Zhang W., Yang Y.,Mang D., Zhu X., Sun L.,* Zhang Y.,* Gustatory Receptor 206 Participates in the Foraging Behavior of Larvae of Polyphagous PestSpodoptera litura.Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.72, 21, 12003–12013.(JCR一区,IF=5.895)
24.Zhang,Y., Zhang, X., Zhang, X., Xu, J., Li,L., Zhu, X., Wang, J., Wei, J.,Mang, D.,Zhang,F., Yuan,X., Wu, X., 2020. Key amino acid residues influencing binding affinities of pheromone binding protein fromAthetis lepigoneto two sex pheromones.Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 6092–6103.(JCR一区,IF=5.895)
25.Zhang, Y., Xu, J., Zhang, X., Zhang, X., Li, L., X., Yuan,Mang, D.,Zhu, X., Zhang, F., Dewer, Y., Xu, L., Wu, X., 2020. Organophosphorus insecticide interacts with the pheromone-binding proteins ofAthetis lepigone: implication for olfactory dysfunction.Journal of Hazardous Materials.397, 122777.(JCR一区,IF=14.224)
26.Zhang,X., Yan, Q., Li, L., Xu, J.,Mang, D.,Wang, X., Hoh, H., Ye, J., Ju, Q., Ma, Y., Liang M., Zhang, Y., Zhu, X., Zhang, F., Dong, S., Zhang, Y., Zhang, L., 2020. Different binding properties of two general-odorant binding proteins inAthetis lepigonewithsex pheromones, host plant volatiles and insecticides.Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology.164, 173–182.(JCR二区,IF=4.966)
27.Zhang, S., Hu, X.,Mang, D.,Sasaki, T., Zhang, Y., 2019. Self-delivery of N-hydroxylethyl Peptide Assemblies to the Cytosol Inducing Cancer Cell Endoplasmic Reticulum Dilation.Chemical Communications. 55, 6126–6129.(JCR一区,IF=6.065)
28.Du, E., Hu, X., Li, G., Zhang, S.,Mang, D.,Roy, S., Sasaki, T., Zhang, Y., 2018. Self-assembly-Directed Cancer Cell Membrane Insertion of Synthetic Ananlogues for Permeability Alteration.Langmuir, 35 (23), 7376-7382.(JCR二区,IF=4.331)
29.Shu, M.,Mang, D.,Sunfu, G., Tanaka, S., Endo, H., Kikuta, S.,Sato, R., 2016. Mechanisms of nodule-specific melanization in the hemocoel of the silkworm,Bombyx mori.Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 70, 10–23.(JCR一区,IF=4.421)
30.忙定泽,罗庆怀,舒敏,韦卫.长足大竹象成虫体表信息化学物质的提取和鉴定[J].昆虫学报.2012,55 (3): 133-138.(中国科技核心期刊)
31.忙定泽,罗庆怀,舒敏,孙翠英.中国豆野螟发生与防治研究沿革、进展及展望[J].中国农学通报.2012,28(4): 79-88.(中国科技核心期刊)
33.龙见坤,罗庆怀,忙定泽,石庆型,潘盛波.小型寄生蜂采集方法的简便有效改进及贵州稻田寄生蜂新记录[J].中国生物防治学报. 2010(S1).(中国科技核心期刊)
1.Mang, D.,Zhang, Y. Self-assembly of Integrin Ligands on Apical Membrane Inhibits the Migration of Glioma Cell. The100th Annual Meeting of CSJ. Chiba, Japan, March 21–25, 2020. (Poster)
2.Mang, D.,Sona R., Hong H. H., Wu, X., Li G., Hu, X., Zhang, Y. Laminin-derived peptide FFFYIGSR self-assembled to inhibit glioma cell migrationand invasion.The 42nd Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan (MBSJ). Fukuoka, Japan, December 3–6, 2019. (Poster).
3.Mang, D.,Zhang, S., Wu, X., Mochizuki, T., Zhang, Y., Enzyme-mediated dual-targeted-assembly achieves synergetic anticancer effect. The 8th International Conference on Nanoscience and Technology. Beijing, China, August 16–19, 2019.(Poster)
4.Mang, D.,Wu, X., Zhang, Y. Enzyme-mediated dual-targeted-assembly realizes a synergistic anticancer effect. The 98th Annual Meeting 2019 of CSJ. Kobe, Japan, March 16–19, 2018. (Oral)
5.Mang, D.,Zhang, S., Wu, X., Zheng, Y., Zhang, Y. Enzyme-sorted-assembly of chiral peptides kills cancer cell via multi-subcellular targeting. 10th International Peptide Symposium Registration Confirmation. Kyoto, Japan, December 3–7, 2018. (Poster)
6.Mang, D.,Morita, C., Shimomura, K., Tomita, N., Kikuta, S., Sato, R. Distribution of a gustatory receptor expressing cells in the midgut ofthe silkworm,Bombyx morilarvae.The 4th Asia-Pacific Congress of Sericulture and Insect Biotechnology. Abstract: 84,Busan, Korea, April 23–25, 2015. (Oral)