Mowing aggravates the adverse effects of nitrogen addition on soil acid neutralizing capacity in a meadow steppe

Wang ZR, Li TP, Lu CM, Wang C, Wu H, Li XY, Cai JP, Feng X, Liu HY, Zhang YG, Han XG, Li H, Jiang Y*. 2024. Mowing aggravates the adverse effects of nitrogen addition on soil acid neutralizing capacity in a meadow steppe. Journal of Environmental Management, 362: 121293 Doi: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2024.121293 (Q1, IF: 8.7)

上一篇:Root nitrogen reallocation to shoots: What makes it matter?

下一篇:Distinct response patterns of soil micro-eukaryotic communities to early-season and late-season precipitation in a semiarid grassland


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