
职称: 二级教授,博士生导师



  • 个人简介

罗都强,博士后, 二级教授,博士生导师,长江学者创新团队带头人,教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划、河北省杰出青年基金获得者、河北省首批百名优秀创新人才支持计划获得者,河北省第八届青年科技奖获得者,教育部药物化学与分子诊断重点实验室副主任。1988年7月毕业于西北农林科技大学,获学士学位;同年考取研究生,1991年毕业,获硕士学位(化学生态学);毕业后到西北农林科技大学制药工程专业任教,1998年9月考入西北农林科技大学博士研究生,2002年7月毕业,并获博士学位(天然产物化学)。2003年3月至2006年4月,在中国科学院昆明植物研究所进行博士后研究工作(天然产物化学)。2010年美国哥伦比亚大学高级研究学者。先后主持了教育部新世纪人才支持计划、国家自然科学基金、教育部科学技术研究重点项目、河北省杰出青年自然科学基金、教育部重点产业化项目、国家重点实验室基金、教育部博士点基金、河北省百名优秀人才创新支持计划等15项课题。在Nat. Prod. Reports, New Phytologist,Scientific Reports, Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, Fungal Genetics and Biology, .Nat.Prod., Pest Manag. Sci.,J.Antibiot 等国际主流SCI源刊发表40余篇论文,单篇最高影响系数10.178,总计被引用用次数280余次。获发明专利6个,美国专利1个。

3.微生物天然产物的生物合成, 异源表达以及组合生物合成。
Chen C, Cao M, Zhu S, Wang C, Liang F, Yan L, Luo D. 2015. Discovery of a Novel Inhibitor of the Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase Shp2. Scientific Reports 5. DOI: 10.1038/srep17626 (影响系数,5.578)
Liu L, Zhang J, Chen C, Teng J, Wang C, Luo D. 2015. Structure and biosynthesis of fumosorinone, a new protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B inhibitor firstly isolated from the entomogenous fungus Isaria fumosorosea. Fungal Genetics and Biology 81: 191-200. (影响系数, 3.262)
Zheng Y-L, Feng Y-L, Zhang L-K, Callaway RM, Valiente-Banuet A, Luo D-Q, Liao Z-Y, Lei Y-B, Barclay GF, Silva-Pereyra C. 2015. Integrating novel chemical weapons and evolutionarily increased competitive ability in success of a tropical invader. New Phytologist 205(3): 1350-1359.(影响系数,7.672)
Liu Z-Q, Liu T, Chen C, Li M-Y, Wang Z-Y, Chen R-s, Wei G-X, Wang X-Y, Luo D-Q. 2015. Fumosorinone, a novel PTP1B inhibitor, activates insulin signaling in insulin-resistance HepG2 cells and shows anti-diabetic effect in diabetic KKAy mice. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 285(1): 61-70. (影响系数,3.705)
Wei P-Y, Liu L-X, Liu T, Chen C, Luo D-Q, Shi B-Z. 2015. Three New Pigment Protein Tyrosine Phosphatases Inhibitors from the Insect Parasite Fungus Cordyceps gracilioides: Terreusinone A, Pinophilin C and Cryptosporioptide A. Molecules 20(4): 5825-5834. (影响系数,2.416)
Zhou K, Zhao X-L, Han L-P, Cao M-M, Chen C, Shi B-Z, Luo D-Q. 2015. Paecilomycines A and B, Novel Diterpenoids, Isolated from Insect-Pathogenic Fungi Paecilomyces sp ACCC 37762. Helvetica Chimica Acta98(5): 642-649. (影响系数,1.138)
Wei P-Y, Li L, Yang C-G, Luo D-Q, Zheng Z-H, Lu X-H, Shi B-Z. 2014. A novel oxybis cresol verticilatin with highly varying degrees of biological activities from the insect pathogenic fungus Paecilomycesverticillatus. Journal of Asian Natural Products Research 16(12): 1153-1157.
Chen Y-P, Yang C-G, Wei P-Y, Li L, Luo D-Q, Zheng Z-H, Lu X-H. 2014. Penostatin Derivatives, a Novel Kind of Protein Phosphatase 1B Inhibitors Isolated from Solid Cultures of the Entomogenous Fungus Isaria tenuipes. Molecules 19(2): 1663-1671. (影响系数,2.416)
He P, Wang X, Guo X, Ji Y, Zhou C, Shen S, Hu D, Yang X, Luo D, Dukor R, et al. 2014. Vibrational circular dichroism study for natural bioactive schizandrin and reassignment of its absolute configuration. Tetrahedron Letters 55(18): 2965-2968. (影响系数,2.379)
Chen C, Hu S-Y, Luo D-Q, Zhu S-Y, Zhou C-Q. 2013. Potential antitumor agent from the endophytic fungus Pestalotiopsis photiniae induces apoptosis via the mitochondrial pathway in HeLa cells. Oncology Reports30(4): 1773-1781. (影响系数,2.301)
Luo D-Q, Chen Y-P, Zhang J, Shi B-Z, Yang Z-Q, Chen C. 2013. A New Glycine Derivative and a New Indole Alkaloid from the Fermentation Broth of the Plant Endophytic Fungus Pestalotiopsis podocarpi Isolated from the Chinese Podocarpaceae Plant Podocarpus macrophyllus. Helvetica Chimica Acta 96(2): 309-312. (影响系数,1.138)
Luo DQ, Zhang L, Shi BZ, Song XM. 2012. Two New Oxysporone Derivatives from the Fermentation Broth of the Endophytic Plant Fungus Pestalotiopsis karstenii Isolated from Stems of Camellia sasanqua. Molecules17(7): 8554-8560. (影响系数,2.416)
Yang X-L, Zhang J-Z, Luo D-Q. 2012. The taxonomy, biology and chemistry of the fungal Pestalotiopsis genus. Natural Product Reports 29(6): 622-641. (影响系数,10.107)
Yang X-L, Li Z-Z, Zhang S, Yu H, Zhu H-J, Luo D-Q. 2012. A new spirocyclic compound from the liquid culture of entomogenous fungus Isaria cateniannulata. Journal of Asian Natural Products Research 14(11): 1093-1096. (影响系数,0.913)
Xing J-G, Deng H-Y, Luo D-Q. 2011. Two new compounds from an endophytic fungus Pestalotiopsis heterocornis. Journal of Asian Natural Products Research 13(12): 1069-1073. (影响系数,0.913)
Luo D-Q, Deng H-Y, Yang X-L, Shi B-Z, Zhang J-Z. 2011. Oleanane-Type Triterpenoids from the Endophytic Fungus Pestalotiopsis clavispora Isolated from the Chinese Mangrove Plant Bruguiera sexangula. Helvetica Chimica Acta 94(6): 1041-1047. (影响系数,1.138)
Yang X-L, Zhang S, Hu Q-B, Luo D-Q, Zhang Y. 2011. Phthalide derivatives with antifungal activities against the plant pathogens isolated from the liquid culture of Pestalotiopsis photiniae. Journal of Antibiotics 64(11): 723-727. (影响系数,2.041)
Yang X-L, Zhang S, Zhu H-J, Luo D-Q. 2011.Dihydroberkleasmin A: A New Eremophilane Sesquiterpenoid from the Fermentation Broth of the Plant Endophytic Fungus Pestalotiopsis photiniae. Molecules 16(2): 1910-1916. (影响系数,2.416)
Yang X-L, Zhang S, Zhu H-J, Luo D-Q, Gao X-Y. 2011. Eremophilane-Type Sesquiterpenoids from the Fermentation Broth of Plant Endophytic Fungus Pestalotiopsis photiniae Isolated from the Chinese Podocarpaceae Plant Podocarpus macrophyllus. Helvetica Chimica Acta 94(8): 1463-1469. (影响系数,1.138)
Zhao S-D, Shen L, Luo D-Q, Zhu H-J. 2011. Progression of Absolute Configuration Determination in Natural Product Chemistry Using Optical Rotation (Dispersion), Matrix Determinant and Electronic Circular Dichroism Methods. Current Organic Chemistry 15(11): 1843-1862. (影响系数,2.157)
Zhu Y-C, Wang G, Yang X-L, Luo D-Q, Zhu Q-C, Peng T, Liu J-K. 2010. Agrocybone, a novel bis-sesquiterpene with a spirodienone structure from basidiomycete Agrocybe salicacola. Tetrahedron Letters51(26): 3443-3445. (影响系数,2.157)
Luo D-Q, Zhu W-L, Yang X-L, Liang S-J, Cao Z-R. 2010. Two New Daphniphyllum Alkaloids from Daphniphyllum calycinum. Helvetica Chimica Acta 93(6): 1209-1215. (影响系数,1.383)
Luo D-Q, Liang S-J, Shi Y-L, Tang H-L. 2009. Mitissimolone, a New Sesquiterpene with a Novel Carbon Skeleton from the Basidiomycete Lactarius mitissimus. Helvetica Chimica Acta 92(10): 2082-2085.Helvetica Chimica Acta (影响系数,1.383)
Luo D-Q, Zhao L-Y, Shi Y-L, Tang H-L, Li Y-Y, Yang L-M, Zheng Y-T, Zhu H-J, Liu J-K. 2009. Velleratretraol, an unusual highly functionalized lactarane sesquiterpene from Lactarius vellereus. Journal of Antibiotics 62(3): 129-132. (影响系数,1.73)
Ma Z, Yan G, Zhu S, Yang G, Luo D. 2009. Cyclocondensation Reations of 3-Amino-1,2,4-triazole with 3-(Benzylidene)-6-fluoro-thiochroman-4-ones to Tetracyclically Fused Dihydropyrimidines and Pyrimidines. Chinese Journal of Chemistry 27(5): 987-992. (影响系数,1578)
Chu H-B, Luo D-q, Tan N-h, Tian X. 2008. Densispicnins A and B, two unusual monoterpenes from Pedicularis densispica Franch. Heterocycles 75(1): 177-181. (影响系数,1.079)
Luo D-Q, Gao Y, Yang X-L, Tang J-G, Liu J-K. 2007. Highly oxidized humulane Sesquiterpenes from the basidiomycete Lactarius mitissimus. Journal of Antibiotics 60(2): 162-165. (影响系数,1.73)
Luo D-Q, Gao Y, Yang X-L, Tang J-G, Zhao L-Y, Liu J-K. 2007. Two new highly oxidized humulane sesquiterpenes from the basidiomycete Lactarius mitissimus. Helvetica Chimica Acta 90(6): 1112-1116. (影响系数,1.83)
Luo D-Q, Gao Y, Gao J-M, Wang F, Yang X-L, Liu J-K. 2006. Humulane-type sesquiterpenoids from the mushroom Lactarius mitissimus. Journal of Natural Products 69(9): 1354-1357. (影响系数,3.798)
Yang X-L, Luo D-Q, Liu J-K. 2006. A new pigment from the fruiting bodies of the basidiomycete Lactarius deliciosus. Zeitschrift Fur Naturforschung Section B-a Journal of Chemical Sciences 61(9): 1180-1182.(影响系数,0.744)
Jun Zhang,Zhiqin Liu, Duqiang Luo Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase Inhibitor, Preparation Method and Uses There of.,美国,14403113。
一种蛋白质络氨酸磷酸酶抑制剂、其制备方法及其用途,中国, (ZL201210158554.5)
马先蒿木脂素类化合物制备方法及应用 (ZL200710185251.1)
一种抗肿瘤融合蛋白及其制备方法和用途(ZL 201210566188.7)


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