




  • 个人简介





2018-年2021年理学博士 海南师范大学

2015年-2018年 理学硕士 河北大学




国家自然科学基金青年基金项目"离巢期大杜鹃(Cuculus canorus)雏鸟对不同宿主的操纵机制研究(32301295,2024/01/01-2026/12/31,30万元)” ,主持


Wang J, Ma L, Chen X, Yang C*. Female Cuckoo Calls Deceive Their Hosts by Evoking Nest-Leaving Behavior: Variation under Different Levels of Parasitism. Animals. 2022; 12: 1990.

Wang J, Ma L, Chen X, Yang C*. Common Cuckoo Nestling Adapts Its Begging Behavior to the Alarm Signaling System of a Host. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 2022; 10: 830441.

Wang J, Liu W, Lin Q, Hou J*. Effects of flight disturbance on bird communities at airports: predatory birds rise to the challenge. Pakistan Journal of Zoology. 2022; accept.

Wang J, Pan P, Wu T, Hou J*. The effect of airport lawn vehicles on the flocking behaviour of barn swallows. Pakistan Journal of Zoology. 2022; accept.

Ma L,Wang J, Lyu S, Hou J*. Response of male dusky warblers (Phylloscopus fuscatus) to invaders with different song length. Pakistan Journal of Zoology. 2023; 55: 2237-2245.

Chen X, Cai Y,Wang J, Yang C*. Use of 3D-printed animal models as a standard method to test avian behavioral responses toward nest intruders in the studies of avian brood parasitism. Avian Research. 2022; 13: 100061.

Wang J, Ma L, Chen X, Yang C*. Behavioral and acoustic responses of the oriental reed warbler (Acrocephalus orientalis), at egg and nestling stages, to the common cuckoo (Cuculus canorus). Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 2021; 9: 705748.

Wang J, Yang C*. Specific responses of cuckoo hosts to different alarm signals according to breeding stage: a test of the offspring value hypothesis. Current Zoology. 2020; 66: 649-655.

Wang J, Li Q, Wang L, Yang C*, Liang W. Do swallows (Hirundo daurica) use the visual cue of hatchling down‐feathers to discriminate parasite alien nestlings? Integrative Zoology. 2020; 15: 441-446.

Wang J, Li Q, Yang C*. Coevolution of acoustical communication between obligate avian brood parasites and their hosts. Avian Research. 2020; 11: 43.

Wang J, Ma L, Liang W, Yang C*. Responses of cuckoo hosts to alarm signals of different nest intruders in non-nesting areas. Zoological Research. 2020; 41: 345-350.

Wang J, Liu J, Zhang Z, Ren H, Gao L, Hou J*. Is male condition corrected with song features in Dusky Warblers (Phylloscopus fuscatus). Avian Research. 2019; 10: 18.

王姣姣,王婧,李娟,陈璐,侯建华*.笼养黑鹳繁殖期的交尾行为.河北大学学报(自然科学版). 2017; 37: 176-179+207.

王姣姣,刘建平,刘冰洋,侯建华*.褐柳莺喙形态与鸣声特征关系.河北大学学报(自然科学版). 2018; 38: 83-88.

任洪新,王姣姣,刘建平,侯建华*.河北塞罕坝褐柳莺繁殖期鸣唱变化.动物学杂志. 2019; 54: 165-172.


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