

邮箱: jsong@hbu.edu.cn



  • 个人简介



宋健,性别 男, 1989年5月生,河南新乡人,博士,校聘教授,坤舆青年学者.

主要从事全球变化与生态系统生态学方面的教学和科研工作.主持国家自然科学基金青年项目1项.在国际学术刊物上发表论文33篇,其中在第一作者8篇发表在Nature Ecology & Evolution、Ecology Letters、Functional Ecology等生态学顶尖期刊.总引用637次,其中他引616次, H因子13. 2019年发表在Nature Ecology & Evolution的论文被Nature、PNAS、Nature Climate Change、Nature Ecology & Evolution、Ecology Letters等顶尖期刊以及2020年联合国粮农组织专著《State of Knowledge of Soil Biodiversity》和IPCC (联合国政府间气候变化专门委员会)第六次评估报告引用262次,在杂志当年发表的305篇论文中引用排名第3位,被ESI收录为环境/生态学领域高被引论文.曾获“河南省优秀博士学位论文奖”、2023年河北省自然科学二等奖(排名2/4).


2015.09-2018.06 河南大学生命科学学院生态学专业学习,获理学博士学位

2012.09-2015.06 河南大学生命科学学院生态学专业学习,获理学硕士学位

2008.09-2012.06 河南大学生命科学学院生物技术专业学习,获理学学士学位


2023.01-至今 河北大学 生命科学学院 助理研究员/坤舆青年学者

2019.01-2022.12 河北大学 生命科学学院 助理研究员/校聘教授

2018.07-2018.12 河北大学 生命科学学院 师资博后


1. 全球变化生态学(研究生)


国家自然科学基金委员会,青年科学基金项目, 32101346,降水频度降低和氮添加对温带半干旱草原植物群落结构和碳循环的影响, 2022-01-01至2024-12-31, 30万元,在研,主持


1. Song, J.(宋健), J. Xia, D. Hui, M. Zheng, J. Wang, J. Ru, H. Wang, Q. Zhang, C. Yang, and S. Wan*. 2021. Plant functional types regulate non-additive responses of soil respiration to 5-year warming and nitrogen addition in a semi-arid grassland. Functional Ecology 35:2593-2603. 06 August 2021(河北大学第一单位+通讯单位)

2. Song, J.(宋健), J. Ru, M. Zheng, H. Wang, Y. Fan, X. Yue, K. Yu, Z. Zhou, P. Shao, H. Han, L. Lei, Q. Zhan, X. Li, F. Su, K. Zhang, and S. Wan*. 2020. A global database of plant production and carbon exchange from global change manipulative experiments. Scientific Data 7:323. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597-020-00661-5. 02 October 2020河北大学第一单位+通讯单位)

3. Song, J.(宋健), S. Wan*, S. Piao, A. K. Knapp, A. T. Classen, S. Vicca, P. Ciais, M. J. Hovenden, S. Leuzinger, C. Beier, P. Kardol, J. Xia, Q. Liu, J. Ru, Z. Zhou, Y. Luo, D. Guo, J. A. Langley, J. Zscheischler, J. S. Dukes, J. Tang, J. Chen, K. S. Hofmockel, L. M. Kueppers, L. Rustad, L. Liu, M. D. Smith, P. H. Templer, R. Q. Thomas, R. J. Norby, R. P. Phillips, S. Niu, S. Fatichi, Y. Wang, P. Shao, H. Han, D. Wang, L. Lei, J. Wang, X. Li, Q. Zhang, X. Li, F. Su, B. Liu, F. Yang, G. Ma, G. Li, Y. Liu, Y. Liu, Z. Yang, K. Zhang, Y. Miao, M. Hu, C. Yan, A. Zhang, M. Zhong, Y. Hui, Y. Li, and M. Zheng. 2019. A meta-analysis of 1,119 manipulative experiments on terrestrial carbon cycling responses to global change. Nature Ecology & Evolution 3:1309-1320. 19 August 2019河北大学第一单位+通讯单位,环境/生态学高被引论文)

4. Song, J.(宋健), S. Wan*, S. Piao, D. Hui, M. J. Hovenden, P. Ciais, Y. Liu, Y. Liu, M. Zhong, M. Zheng, G. Ma, Z. Zhou, and J. Ru. 2019. Elevated CO2 does not stimulate carbon sink in a semi-arid grassland. Ecology Letters 22:458-468. 04 January 2019 (河北大学第二单位)

5. Song, J.(宋健), S. Wan*, S. Peng, S. Piao, P. Ciais, X. Han, D.-H. Zeng, G. Cao, Q. Wang, W. Bai, and L. Liu. 2018. The carbon sequestration potential of China’s grasslands. Ecosphere 9:e02452. https://doi.org/10.1002/ecs2.2452. (河北大学第一单位+通讯单位)

6. Song, J.#(宋健),Z. Liu#, Y. Zhang#, T. Yan, Z. Shen, and S. Piao*. 2019. Effects of wildfire on soil respiration and its heterotrophic and autotrophic components in a montane coniferous forest. Journal of Plant Ecology 12:336-345. (河北大学第一单位,北京大学通讯单位)

7. Song, J.(宋健), Y. Hui, C. Yu, Q. Zhang, Y. Zhou, Y. Li, X. Liu, L. Zhu, D. Hui, and S. Wan*. 2017. Carbon balance under four double-season cropping systems in North China Plain. Plant and Soil 421:319-336. (河南大学第一单位+通讯单位)

8. Song, J.(宋健), D. Wu, P. Shao, D. Hui, andS. Wan*. 2015. Ecosystem carbon exchange in response to locust outbreaks in a temperate steppe. Oecologia 178:579-590. (河南大学第一单位+通讯单位)

9. Tang, S., D. Tian, J. Wang, R. Zhang, S. Wang,J. Song(宋健), S. Wan, J. Zhang, S. Zhang, Z. Li, and S. Niu*. 2024. Synergistic effects of multiple global change drivers on terrestrial ecosystem carbon sink. Science of the Total Environment 906:167554.

10. Zhai, C., L. Han, C. Xiong, A. Ge, X. Yue, Y. Li, Z. Zhou, J. Feng, J. Ru,J. Song(宋健), L. Jiang, Y. Yang, L. Zhang., and S. Wan*. 2024. Soil microbial diversity and network complexity drive the ecosystem multifunctionality of temperate grasslands under changing precipitation. Science of The Total Environment 906:167217.

11. Ma, G., Z. Zhou,J. Song(宋健), J. Ru, J. Xia, F. Yang, S. Wan*. 2023. Divergent responses of reproductive phenology to asymmetric warming: Evidence from a 10-year grassland experiment in the inner mongolian steppe Ecological Indicators 154:110516.

12. Feng, J., J. Ru,J. Song(宋健), X. Qiu, and S. Wan*. 2023. Long-term daytime warming rather than nighttime warming alters soil microbial composition in a semi-arid grassland. Biology 12:699. https://doi.org/10.3390/biology12050699.

13. Li, H., J. Zhang, J. Ru,J. Song(宋健), Z. Chi, Y. Zheng, L. Jiang, and S. Wan*. 2023. Temporal change in community temporal stability in response to mowing and nutrient enrichment: Evidence from a 15-year grassland experiment. Journal of Plant Ecology 16:rtac098. https://doi.org/10.1093/jpe/rtac098.

14. Ru, J., S. Wan*, D. Hui, andJ. Song(宋健). 2023. Overcompensation of ecosystem productivity following sustained extreme drought in a semiarid grassland. Ecology 104:e3997.

15. Van Sundert, K., S. Leuzinger, M. K.-F. Bader, S. X. Chang, M. G. De Kauwe, J. S. Dukes, J. A. Langley, Z. Ma, B. Mariën, S. Reynaert, J. Ru,J. Song(宋健), B. Stocker, C. Terrer, J. Thoresen, E. Vanuytrecht, S. Wan, K. Yue, and S. Vicca. 2023. When things get MESI: The Manipulation Experiments Synthesis Initiative—A coordinated effort to synthesize terrestrial global change experiments. Global Change Biology 29:1922-1938.

16. Feng, J., Z. Li, Y. Hao, J. Wang, J. Ru,J. Song(宋健), and S. Wan*. 2022. Litter removal exerts greater effects on soil microbial community than understory removal in a subtropical-warm temperate climate transitional forest. Forest Ecology and Management 505: 119867. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2021.119867.

17. Liu, Y., S. Piao, D. Makowski, P. Ciais, T. Gasser,J. Song(宋健), S. Wan, J. Peñuelas, and I. A. Janssens. 2022. Data-driven quantification of nitrogen enrichment impact on Northern Hemisphere plant biomass. Environmental Research Letters, 17:074032. doi:10.1088/1748-9326/ac7b38.

18. Ru, J., S. Wan*, D. Hui,J. Song(宋健), and J. Wang. 2022. Increased interannual precipitation variability enhances the carbon sink in a semi-arid grassland. Functional Ecology 36: 987-997.

19. Xu, Q., X. Yang,J. Song(宋健), J. Ru, J. Xia, S. Wang, S. Wan, and L. Jiang. 2022. Nitrogen enrichment alters multiple dimensions of grassland functional stability via changing compositional stability. Ecology Letters 25:2713-2725.

20. Zhang, J., J. Ru,J. Song(宋健), H. Li, X. Li, Y. Ma, Z. Li, Y. Hao, Z. Chi, D. Hui, and S. Wan. 2022. Increased precipitation and nitrogen addition accelerate the temporal increase in soil respiration during 8-year old-field grassland succession. Global Change Biology 28:3944-3959.

21. Zhou, Z., X. Yue, H. Li, J. Zhang, J. Liang, X. Yuan, J. Ru,J. Song(宋健), Y. Li, M. Zheng, D. Hui, and S. Wan*. 2022. Climate warming enhances precipitation sensitivity of flowering phenology in temperate steppes on the Mongolian Plateau. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 324:109094. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agrformet.2022.109094.

22. Han, J., J. Chen, W. Shi,J. Song(宋健), D. Hui, J. Ru, and S. Wan. 2021. Asymmetric responses of resource use efficiency to previous-year precipitation in a semi-arid grassland. Functional Ecology 35:807-814.

23. Ning, S.,J. Song(宋健), J. Ru, Z. Zhou, J. Zhang, X. Liu, Y. Hui, Y. Ma, and S. Wan*. 2021. Nonadditive and legacy effects of spring and autumn warming on soil respiration in an old-field grassland. Ecosystems 24:421-433. 30 June 2020

24. Wang, J., A. Zhang, Y. Zheng, J. Song(宋健), J. Ru, M. Zheng, D. Hui, and S. Wan*. 2021. Long-term litter removal rather than litter addition enhances ecosystem carbon sequestration in a temperate steppe. Functional Ecology 35:2799-2807.

25. Zheng, M.,J. Song(宋健), J. Ru, Z. Zhou, M. Zhong, L. Jiang, D. Hui, and S. Wan*. 2021. Effects of grazing, wind erosion, and dust deposition on plant community composition and structure in a temperate steppe. Ecosystems 24:403-420.

26. Hu, M.,J. Song(宋健), S. Li, Z. Li, Y. Hao, M. Di, and S. Wan*. 2020. Understanding the effects of fire and nitrogen addition on soil respiration of a field study by combining observations with a meta-analysis. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 292-293, 108106. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agrformet.2020.108106.

27. Li, Y., Z. Zhou, L. Lei, J. Ru,J. Song(宋健), M. Zhong, R. Tian, A. Zhang, M. Zheng, D. Hui, and S. Wan*. 2020. Asymmetric responses of soil respiration in three temperate steppes along a precipitation gradient in northern China revealed by soil-monolith transplanting experiment. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 294, 108126. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agrformet.2020.108126.

28. Wang, J., Q. Zhang,J. Song(宋健), J. Ru, Z. Zhou, J. Xia, J. S. Dukes, and S. Wan*. 2020. Nighttime warming enhances ecosystem carbon-use efficiency in a temperate steppe. Functional Ecology 34:1721-1730.

29. Hovenden, M. J., S. Leuzinger, P. C. D. Newton, A. Fletcher, S. Fatichi, A. Lüscher, P. B. Reich, L. C. Andresen, C. Beier, D. M. Blumenthal, N. R. Chiariello, J. S. Dukes, J. Kellner, K. Hofmockel, P. A. Niklaus,J. Song(宋健), S. Wan, A. T. Classen, and J. A. Langley. 2019. Globally consistent influences of seasonal precipitation limit grassland biomass response to elevated CO2. Nature Plants 5:167-173.

30. Liu, Y., S. Piao*, T. Gasser, P. Ciais, H. Yang, H. Wang, T. F. Keenan, M. Huang, S. Wan,J. Song(宋健), K. Wang, I. A. Janssens, J. Peñuelas, C. Huntingford, X. Wang, M. A. Arain, Y. Fang, J. B. Fisher, M. Huang, D. N. Huntzinger, A. Ito, A. Jain, J. Mao, A. M. Michalak, C. Peng, B. Poulter, C. Schwalm, X. Shi, H. Tian, Y. Wei, N. Zeng, Q. Zhu, and T. Wang. 2019. Field-experiment constraints on the enhancement of the terrestrial carbon sink by CO2 fertilization. Nature Geoscience 12:809-814.

31. Yang, X., G. Li, S. Li, Q. Xu, P. Wang, H. Song, D. Sun, M. Zhong, Z. Zhou,J. Song(宋健), J. Ru, S. Wan*, and L. Jiang*. 2019. Resource addition drives taxonomic divergence and phylogenetic convergence of plant communities. Journal of Ecology 107:2121-2132.

32. Zhong, M.,J. Song(宋健), Z. Zhou, J. Ru, M. Zheng, Y. Li, D. Hui, and S. Wan. 2019. Asymmetric responses of plant community structure and composition to precipitation variabilities in a semi-arid steppe. Oecologia 191:697-708.

33. Zhou, Z., Y. Li,J. Song(宋健), J. Ru, L. Lei, M. Zhong, M. Zheng, A. Zhang, D. Hui, and S. Wan*. 2019. Growth controls over flowering phenology response to climate change in three temperate steppes along a precipitation gradient. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 274:51-60.


1. 全球变化情景下中国北方温带草地碳汇功能和维持机理. 2023年河北省自然科学二等奖,编号(暂无; 获奖信息请见: https://kjt.hebei.gov.cn/www/xwzx15/tzgg35/sttz15/293050/index.html),第2完成人(2/4).

2. 陆地生态系统碳循环对全球变化多项驱动因子的响应. 2019年河南省优秀博士学位论文,编号:豫教[2020]02487,河南省教育厅,第1完成人.


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