




  • 个人简介






2007-2010年 理学博士 中国科学院研究生学院

2008-2009年 联合培养 博士瑞士巴塞尔自然历史博物馆

2004-2007年 理学硕士 河北大学

2000-2004年 理学学士 廊坊师范学院


2018年-今 教授 河北大学生命科学学院

2012-2018年 副教授 河北大学生命科学学院

2010-2012年 讲师 河北大学生命科学学院
































5. 主持人:杨玉霞;项目名称:《中国动物志》的编研子课题——《昆虫纲:鞘翅目:花萤科:花萤亚科》;项目来源:国家自然科学基金委&中国科学院;执行年限:2011.1-2015.12;资助金额:20万元。

6. 主持人:杨玉霞;项目名称:基于形态特征和线粒体基因组对丽花萤属的系统分类研究(鞘翅目:花萤科);项目来源:河北省自然科学基金委;执行年限:2022.1-2024.12;资助金额:10万元。

7. 主持人:杨玉霞;项目名称:河北省青年拔尖人才第二期支持计划;项目来源:中共河北省委&河北省人民政府;执行年限:2016.1-2018.12;资助金额:30万元。

8. 主持人:杨玉霞;项目名称:河北省首批青年拔尖人才支持计划;项目来源:中共河北省委&河北省人民政府;执行年限:2013.1-2015.12;资助金额:30万元。

9. 主持人:杨玉霞;项目名称:京津冀地区昆虫多样性保护——以花萤为例;项目来源:河北省自然科学基金委;执行年限:2017.1-2019.12;资助金额:10万元。

10. 主持人:杨玉霞;项目名称:基于动物地理学方法对昆虫多样性保护的研究——以京津冀地区花萤科为例;项目来源:河北省教育厅青年拔尖人才计划;执行年限:2017.1-2019.12;资助金额:8万元。

11. 主持人:杨玉霞;项目名称:河北花萤科昆虫综合分类研究与物种数据库建立;项目来源:河北省自然科学基金委;执行年限:2013.1-2015.12;资助金额:3万元。




1) Chen Fang,Yuxia Yang*, Xingke Yang & Haoyu Liu*.2024. A Phylogenetic Morphometric Investigation of Interspecific Relationships ofLyponia s. str. (Coleoptera, Lycidae) Based on Male Genitalia Shapes.Insects, 15: 11.

2) Haoyu Liu*, Ruolan Du,Wei Zhao, Xingke Yang & Yuxia Yang*. 2023. A morphometric approach to the comparative morphology of aedeagi shapes in net-winged beetles: A case study on theMacrolycusdotatus species group (Coleoptera: Lycidae).Arthropod Systematics & Phylogeny, 81:897–916.

3) Yuxia Yang*, Ya Kang, Junbo Tong, Xueying Ge, Xingke Yang & Haoyu Liu*. 2023. Mitochondrial gene rearrangements suggest a new genus in the subfamily Cantharinae (Coleoptera). Zoologica Scripta, 52 (1): 86–99.

4) Tong Liu, Haoyu Liu* & Yuxia Yang*. 2023.Climate change impacts on the potential distribution pattern ofOsphya(Coleoptera: Melandryidae), an old but small beetle group distributed in the Northern Hemisphere.Insects, 14: 476.

5) Junbo Tong, Sergei E. Tshernyshev, Haoyu Liu*,Yuxia Yang*. 2023. First record of the genusSceloattalusWittmer, 1966 (Coleoptera, Malachiidae) from China, with description of a new species. Zookeys, 1181: 1–7.

6) Junbo Tong, Sergei E. Tshernyshev, Haoyu Liu*,Yuxia Yang*. 2023. First record of the genusPectapalochrusTshernyshev, 2016 (Coleoptera, Malachiidae) from China. Biodiversity Data Journal, 11: e104877.

7) Younan Wang, Haoyu Liu*, Xingke Yang,Yuxia Yang*. 2023. Review of theLycoceruspallidulus group (Coleoptera, Cantharidae), with descriptions of six new species from China. Zookeys, 1176: 243–285.

8) Younan Wang, Haoyu Liu*, Xingke Yang, Yuxia Yang*. 2023. Taxonomic notes on theLycocerusmaculicollisgroup (Coleoptera: Cantharidae), with a description of a new species from Hainan Island, China. Acta Zoologica Bulgarica, 75(2): 153–162.

9) Yunfeng Xiao, Haoyu Liu*, Xingke Yang, Yuxia Yang*. 2023. Four new species of the genusRhagonycha (Coleoptera: Cantharidae) from Southeast China. Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology,26: 102122.

10) Tong Liu, Haoyu Liu* & Yuxia Yang*. 2023. Uncovering the determinants of biodiversity hotspots in China: Evidence from the drivers of multiple diversity metrics on insect assemblages and implications for conservation. Science of the Total Environment, 880: 163287.

11) Wei Zhao, Haoyu Liu*, Xueying Ge,Yuxia Yang*. 2023. Evaluating the significance of wing shapes in inferring the phylogenetic proximity among the generic taxa: an example of Cantharinae (Coleoptera, Cantharidae). Arthropod Systematics & Phylogeny, 81: 303–316.

12) [Haoyu Liu, Lilan Yuan, Ping Wang, Zhao Pan, Junbo Tong, Gang Wu* & Yuxia Yang*. 2023. First record ofOsphya(Melandryidae: Osphyinae) from Chinese mainland based on morphological evidence and mitochondrial genome-based phylogeny of Tenebrionoidea.Diversity, 15: 282.

13) Xiaoxiao Wang, Haoyu Liu*, GuanglinXie, Wenkai Wang,Yuxia Yang*. 2023. Identification and expression analyses of the olfactory-related genes in different tissues’ transcriptome of a predacious soldier beetle,Podabrusannulatus (Coleoptera, Cantharidae). Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology, e21997.

14) Tong Liu, Haoyu Liu*, Y.ounan Wang, Huacong Xi & Yuxia Yang*. 2022. Assessing the diversity and distribution pattern of the speciose genusLycocerus (Coleoptera: Cantharidae) by the global-scale data. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 10: 797450.

15) Tong Liu, Haoyu Liu, Junbo Tong & Yuxia Yang*. 2022. Habitat suitability of neotenic net-winged beetles (Coleoptera: Lycidae) in China using combined ecological models, with implications for biological conservation. Diversity and Distributions, 00, 1–18.

16) Wei Zhao,HaoyuLiu,Michael Geiser & Yuxia Yang*.Morphology and geometric morphometrics unveil a new genus of Cantharidae (Coleoptera, Elateroidea) from mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber, with a preliminary investigation on the phylogenetic position. Invertebrate Systematics, 36(7): 608–621.

17) Huacong Xi, Younan Wang, Xingke Yang, Haoyu Liu & Yuxia Yang*. 2022. A new species group defined inLycocerusGorham (Coleoptera, Cantharidae), with description of a new species from Xizang, China.The European Zoological Journal, 89(1): 467–480.

18) Shujuan Ge,Haoyu Liu*, Xingke Yang & Yuxia Yang*. 2022.Six new species of the subgenus Habronychus (Habronychus) (Coleoptera: Cantharidae) from the Oriental region, with key to species. European Journal of Entomology, 119: 201–214.

19) Yuxia Yang*, Wei Zhao,Michael Geiser, Weiwei Zhang, Dong Ren, Ming Bai* & Haoyu Liu*. 2022. Taxonomic revision of the mid-Cretaceous genusSanaungulus Fanti, Damgaard et Ellenberger, 2018 (Coleoptera, Cantharidae) from northern Myanmar based on a morphology-based phylogeny. Cretaceous Research 135: 105217.

20) Younan Wang, Huacong Xi, Xingke Yang, Haoyu Liu* & Yuxia Yang*. 2022.Two new species-groups defined inLycocerus Gorham (Coleoptera: Cantharidae), with a preliminary investigation on their phylogenetic positions. Annales Zoologici (Warszawa), 72(2): 285–298.

21) Xueying Ge, Tong Liu, Ya Kang, Haoyu Liu* & Yuxia Yang*. 2022. First complete mitochondrial genomes of Ototretinae (Coleoptera, Lampyridae) with evolutionary insights into the gene rearrangement. Genomics, 114: 110305.

22) Lilan Yuan, Haoyu Liu*, Xueying Ge, Ganyan Yang, Guanglin Xie & Yuxia Yang*. 2022. A mitochondrial genome phylogeny of Cleridae (Coleoptera, Cleroidea). Insects, 13: 118.

23) Junbo Tong, Sergei E. Tshernyshev, Haoyu Liu* & Yuxia Yang*.2022. First record of the genusTroglocollops (Coleoptera, Malachiidae) from China, with description of a new species. Zootaxa, 5195 (5): 492–498.

24) Shujuan Ge, Xingke Yang, Haoyu Liu* & Yuxia Yang*. 2021. Definitions of two species groups ofStenothemus Bourgeois (Coleoptera, Cantharidae), with descriptions of three new species from China.Zootaxa5047 (2): 139–152.

25) Huacong Xi,Younan Wang,Tong Liu,Xingke Yang,Haoyu Liu*,Yuxia Yang*. 2021.Spatialorigin anddiversification of theLycocerus fainanusspeciesgroup(Coleoptera, Cantharidae), with descriptions offournewspeciesfrom China and Vietnam.Insects,12, 445.

26) Yuxia Yang*, Shujuan Ge, Xingke Yang & Haoyu Liu*. 2021.Taxonomic revision of the species ofStenothemus from Southwest China (Coleoptera, Cantharidae), with the descriptions of five new species.European Journal of Taxonomy,757: 1–36.

27) XueyingGe, LilanYuan, YaKang,Tong Liu, Haoyu Liu*& Yuxia Yang*. 2021. Characterization of thefirstcompletemitochondrialgenomeof Cyphonocerinae (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) withimplicationsforphylogeny andevolution offireflies.Insects, 12, 570.

28) Yuxia Yang*, SujuanGe,XingkeYang& Haoyu Liu*. 2021.Review of the species of Stenothemusfrom Southeast China (Coleoptera, Cantharidae).European Journal of Taxonomy,744: 119–144.

29) Huacong Xi,Younan Wang, Xingke Yang,Haoyu Liu*& Yuxia Yang*. 2021.New species and taxonomic notes onLycocerus hickerispecies-group (Coleoptera,Cantharidae). Zootaxa,4980 (3): 541–557.

30) SujuanGe, HaoyuLiu*, XingkeYang& Yuxia Yang*. 2021.Five new species ofStenothemus Bourgeois from Guangxi, China (Coleoptera, Cantharidae).Journal of Asia- Pacific Entomology,24: 653-660.

31) Yuxia Yang*, Wei Zhao, Michael Geiser, Weiwei Zhang, Ming Bai*&Haoyu Liu*. 2021.Review of the genusBurmomiles Fanti, Damgaard & Ellenberger frommid-Cretaceous Burmese amber (Coleoptera, Cantharidae).Cretaceous Research128,104961.

32) ShujuanGe,XingkeYang, HaoyuLiu* & Yuxia Yang*.2021.Studies on theStenothemus harmandi species group (Coleoptera, Cantharidae), withdescriptions of two new species from China.Biodiversity Data Journal 9: e68659.

33) Lilan Yuan, Xueying Ge, Guanglin Xie, Haoyu Liu* & Yuxia Yang*.2021.First Complete Mitochondrial Genome of Melyridae (Coleoptera, Cleroidea): Genome Description andPhylogenetic Implications.Insects, 12, 87.

34) Huacong Xi, Shujuan Ge, Zixuan Kang, Haoyu Liu* & Yu-Xia Yang*.2020.The complete mitochondrial genome sequenceand phylogenetic analysis ofCantharis plagiata(Coleoptera, Canthridae) Mitochondrial DNA Part B,5(3):2386–2388.

35) Yuxia Yang*,HuacongXi,XingkeYang & Haoyu Liu*. 2019.Taxonomic review on the Themus (Telephorops)nepalensis species-group (Coleoptera, Cantharidae). ZooKeys, 884: 81–106.

36) PingWang, LilanYuan, XueyingGe,Haoyu Liu* & Yuxia Yang*. 2019. The complete mitochondrial genome sequenceand phylogenetic analysis ofLycocerus asperipennis(Coleoptera, Cantharidae). Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 4(2): 3768–3769.

37) Haoyu Liu*,ZixuanKang, FangZhang, XueyingGe & Yuxia Yang*. 2019.The complete mitogenome ofLycostomus sp.(Elateroidea: Lycidae). Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 4(2): 3813–3815.

38) Yuxia Yang *,Le Zong,Xingke Yang & Haoyu Liu*.2019.A taxonomic study on Themus (Telephorops)davidis species-group (Coleoptera, Cantharidae), with description of a new species from China. Zootaxa, 4612(3): 401–411.

39) Ling Wu, Ruie Nie, Ming Bai*, Yuxia Yang*. 2019.The complete mitochondrial genome ofIdgia oculata (Coleoptera: Cleroidea: Prionoceridae) and a related phylogenetic analysis of Cleroidea. Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 4: 1, 491-493.

40) Yuxia Yang*, Yaqing Qi, XingKe Yang.2018.Four new species ofFissocantharis Pic, 1921 (Coleoptera, Cantharidae) from China. ZooKeys, 738: 97-115.

41) Yuxia Yang*, Haoyu Liu, Xingke Yang.2018.A contribution to the knowledge ofThemus (Haplothemus) Wittmer from China (Coleoptera: Cantharidae). Zootaxa,4407 (2): 241-253.

42) Limei Li, Yaqing Qi,Yuxia Yang*, Ming Bai. 2016. A new species ofFalsopodabrus Pic characterized with geometric morphometrics (Coleoptera, Cantharidae). ZooKeys, 614: 97-112.

43) Junyan Su,Yuxia Yang*, Andreas Kopetz. 2016. A new species of the genusThemus Motschulsky, 1858,T. (Haplothemus)fissus sp. n., and a redescription ofT. (H.)particularis Pic, 1929 (Coleoptera, Cantharidae). Acta Zoologica Bulgarica, 68 (1): 25-30.

44) Junyan Su,Yuxia Yang*, Yanju Dong. 2016. A remarkable new species ofThemus(Haplothemus) Wittmer and first discovery of female ofT. (Themus)minimus Kopetz, 2010 (Coleoptera: Cantharidae). Pan-Pacific Entomologist, 92(1):9-13.

45) Yuxia Yang*, Limei Li, Xingke Yang. 2015. Description of four new species related toFissocantharis novemexcavatus (Wittmer, 1951) (Coleoptera, Cantharidae) from China. Zootaxa, 4058(3): 362-372.

46) Junyan Su,Yuxia Yang*, Xingke Yang. 2015. Description of three new species related toThemus (Haplothemus)coriaceipennis (Fairmaire, 1889) (Coleoptera, Cantharidae). Zootaxa, 4034(2): 375-389.

47) Junyan Su, Limei Li,Yuxia Yang*, Xingke Yang. 2015. A new species ofThemus (Themus) Motschulsky from Yunnan, China and a redescription ofT. (T.) testaceicollisWittmer, 1983 (Coleoptera, Cantharidae). ZooKeys, 525: 107-116.

48) Junyan Su, Kaile Guan, Jiaxu Wang,Yuxia Yang*. 2015. Significance of hind wing morphology in distinguishing genera and species of cantharid beetles with a geometric morphometric analysis. Zookeys, 502: 11-25.

49) Yuxia Yang, Limei Li, Kaile Guan,Xingke Yang. 2015.Taxonomy ofFissocantharis Pic (Coleoptera, Cantharidae) from Guangxi, China, with description of six new species. Zookeys, 489: 95-123.

50) Yuxia Yang,Junyan Su, Andreas Kopetz.2014. Description of three new Cantharid species related toThemus(Themus)senensis (Pic, 1922) (Coleoptera, Cantharidae). Annales Zoologicl, 64(4): 655-666.

51) Yuxia Yang, Junyan Su,Xingke Yang. 2014.Description of six new species of Lycocerus Gorham (Coleoptera, Cantharidae), with taxonomic note and new distribution data of some other species. Zookeys, 456: 85-107.

52) Yuxia Yang, Junyan Su,Xingke Yang. 2014.Taxonomic note and description of new species ofFissocantharis Pic from China (Coleoptera, Cantharidae). Zookeys, 443: 45-59.

53) Yuxia Yang, Juanyan Su,Xingke Yang. 2014.Review of theStenothemus harmandispecies-group (Coleoptera, Cantharidae), with description of six new species from China. Zootaxa, 3847(2): 203-220.

54) Yuxia Yang, Xingke Yang. 2014.Notes onLycocerus kiontochananus(Pic, 1921) and description of two new species ofLycocerus Gorham from China (Coleoptera, Cantharidae).Zootaxa, 3774(6): 523-534.

55) Yuxia Yang, Xingke Yang. 2014.Taxonomic note on the genusTaiwanocantharis Wittmer: synonym, new species and additional faunistic records from China (Coleoptera, Cantharidae). Zookeys, 367: 19-32.

56) Yuxia Yang, Andreas Kopetz, Xingke Yang. 2013. Taxonomic and nomenclatural notes on the generaThemus Motschulsky andLycocerus Gorham (Coleoptera, Cantharidae). Zookeys, 340: 1-19.

57) Yuxia Yang, Xingke Yang. 2013. Four new species ofLycocerus Gorham, 1889 from China (Coleoptera, Cantharidae). Journal of Natural History, 47(1-2): 75-86.

58) Yuxia Yang, Andreas Kopetz and Xingke Yang. 2012. A review of the Chinese species ofPseudopodabrus(Coleoptera: Cantharidae). Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae, 52(1): 217-228.

59) Yuxia Yang, Xingke Yang. 2011.A taxonomic study onsemifumataspecies-group ofFissocantharisPic, with description of six new species from China and Myanmar (Coleoptera, Cantharidae). Zookeys, 152: 43-61.

60) Yuxia Yang, Sergey V. Kazantsev, Xingke Yang. 2011. Two remarkable new species ofProthemusChampion from China and Thailand, with comments on their systematic status (Coleoptera, Cantharidae). Zookeys, 119: 53-61.

61) Yuxia Yang, Xingke Yang. 2011.Lycocerus strictipennissp. nov. from Yunnan, China, the second species in themichiakiispecies-group ofLycocerus Gorham (Coleoptera, Cantharidae). Annales Zoologici, 61(4): 637-640.

62) Yuxia Yang, Xingke Yang. 2010. A redescription of the genusCyrebion Fairmaire, 1891, with notes on its related taxa and distribution (Coleoptera, Cantharidae). Journal of Natural History, 44 (9/10): 579-588.

63) Yuxia Yang, Xingke Yang.2009. Revision of the genusMimopodabrusWittmer (Coleoptera, Cantharidae).Journal of Natural History, 43(31/ 32): 1879-1890.

64) Yuxia Yang, Xingke Yang.2009. A new species ofMicropodabrusPic from Hainan, China, and a new name to replaceM. coomani(Pic) (Coleoptera, Cantharidae).Zootaxa, 2014: 65-68.

65) Yuxia Yang,Michel Brancucci,Xingke Yang. 2010 [2009]. Review of the subgenusHabronychus(Macrohabronychus), with description of two new species. (Coleoptera, Cantharidae).Entomological News, 120(5): 546-553.


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