
职称:校聘研究员 (硕士生导师)




  • 个人简介




主要从事昆虫化学感受和神经生物学方面的教学和科研工作。主持和参加各类项目10余项其中在PNAs,Journal of Neuroscience,Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,Pest Management Science等期刊发表SCI论文20余篇,第一或通讯作者SCI论文15篇,被SCI引用600篇次;合著专著1部。国际期刊Journal of Neuroscience,iScience,Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,Insect Molecular Biology,Pest Management Science,Insect Science等独立审稿人;富布莱特奖Fulbright Senior Award,2021-2022,2022-2023评审专家


2008.08-2013.07 中国科学院动物研究所 生物化学与分子生物学专业学习,获理学博士学位

2004.08-2008.07 鲁东大学生物技术专业学习,获理学学士学位


2022.11- 河北大学 生命科学学院,校聘研究员,硕士生导师

2018.03-2022.10 中科院动物研究所,助理研究员

2014.03-2018.02 美国西南医学中心神经科学系和药理系,博士后

2013.08-2014.01 中科院动物研究所,科研助理


1. 神经生物学(本科生,生物科学+星辰班)


1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目“棉铃虫齿唇姬蜂定向和定位寄主的嗅觉编码机制(32372627,2024.01-2027.12,50万元)”,主持,在研

2. 河北省引进留学人员资助项目(优秀)“膜翅目寄生蜂寄生行为的分子和神经编码基础”(C20230501,2023.09-2026.09,5万元)”,主持,在研

3. 河北大学高层次人才启动项目(521100223011,2023.03-2026.011,60万元)”,主持,在研

4. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目“棉铃虫和烟青虫性信息素结合蛋白功能的体内研究”(31801748,2019.01-2021.12,28万元)”,主持,已结题

5. 美国西南医学中心“GILMAN”基金会“Mode action of DEET repellence”(2017.01-2017.12,10万美金),主持,已结题



(1) Jun-Feng Dong, Ya-Lan Sun, Ke Wang,Hao Guo*, Shao-Li Wang*. Expression, affinity, and bindingmode analysis of antennal-binding protein X in the variegated cutwormPeridroma saucia (Huber).International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2023. 124671 (中科院1区, IF = 8.025)

(2) Bao-Tong Mo, Hao Guo, Guo-Cheng Li, Lin-Lin Cao, Xin-Lin Gong, Ling-Qiao Huang, Chen-Zhu Wang*. Discovery of Insect Attractants Based on the Functional Analyses of Female-Biased Odorant Receptors and Their Orthologs in Two Closely Related Species.Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2023, 71, 49, 19408–19421. (中科院1区, IF =5.56)

(3) Jun Yang, Shu-Ying Yan, Guo-Cheng Li,Hao Guo, Rui Tang, Ruiyan Ma, Qing-Nian Cai*. The brown planthopper NlDHRS11 is involved in the detoxification of rice secondary compounds.Pest Management Science. 2023,79(12): 4828-4838.(中科院一区, IF = 4.75)

(4) 郭浩, 黄玲巧, 王琛柱*.信息化学物质在寄生蜂寻找配偶和寄主中的作用及其应用潜力. 应用昆虫学报. 2023, 60(2): 375-388.


(1) Hao Guo#, Bao-Tong Mo#, Guo-Cheng Li, Zi-Lin Li, Liang-Qiao Huang, Ya-Lan Sun, Jun-Feng Dong, Dean P. Smith and Chen-Zhu Wang*. Sex pheromone communication in an insect parasitoid,Campoletis chlorideae Uchida.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA). 2022. 119(49) e2215442119. (中科院1区, IF = 12.78)

(2) Hao Guo* and Dean Smith. Time dependent odorant sensitivity modulation in insects. Insects. 2022. 13(4), 354. (中科院2区,IF = 3.14)

(3) Hao Guo#, Xin-Lin Gong#, Bao-Tong Mo, Nan-Ji Jiang, Ling-Qiao Huang and Chen-Zhu Wang. Functional analysis of pheromone receptor repertoire in the fall armyworm,Spodoptera frugiperda. Pest Management Science, 2022. 78(5):2052-2064(中科院1区,IF = 4.85)

(4) Hao Guo, Ling-Qiao Huang, Xin-Lin Gong and Chen-Zhu Wang. Comparison of functions of pheromone receptor repertoires inHelicoverpa armigera andHelicoverpa assulta using a Drosophila expression system.Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2022, 103702. (中科院2区,IF = 4.71)

(5) Xiao-Bin Fan, Bao-Tong Mo, Guo-Cheng Li, Ling-Qiao Huang,Hao Guo, Xin-Lin Gong, Chen-Zhu Wang*. Mutagenesis of the odorant receptor co-receptor (Orco) reveals severe olfactory defects in the crop pest mothHelicoverpa armigera. BMC Biology, 2022, 20(1):214. (中科院1区,IF = 7.36)


(1) Seeta Poudel#, Hao Guo#* and Dean Smith*. PKC98E regulates odorant sensitivity inDrosophila melanogaster. Journal of Neuroscience, 2021, 33789918.(中科院1区,IF = 6.17)

(2) Hao Guo, Ping-Ping Guo, Ya-Lan Sun, Ling-Qiao Huang and Chen-Zhu Wang*. Contribution of odorant binding proteins to olfactory detection of (Z)-11-hexadecenal inHelicoverpa armigera. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2021, 131: 103554 (中科院2区,IF = 4.71)

(3) Nan-Ji Jiang#, Bao-Tong Mo#,Hao Guo, Jun Yang, Rui Tang and Chen-Zhu Wang*. Revisiting the sex pheromone of the fall armwormSpodoptera frugiperda. Insect Science. 2021. (中科院1区,IF = 3.50)

(4) Yun Yang, Hao Guo, Nan-Ji Jiang, Rui Tang, Guo-Cheng Li, Jun-Feng Dong, Ling-Qiao Huang, Joop J.A. van Loon and Chen-Zhu Wang*. Identification of a gustatory receptor tuned to sinigrin in the cabbage butterflyPieris rapae.PloS Genetics. 2021, 17(7):e1009527. (中科院1区,IF = 5.9)


(1) Hao Guo#*, Kishor Kunwar# and Dean Smith*. Multiple channels of DEET repellency inDrosophila.Pest Management Science, 2020. 76: 880-887.(中科院1区,IF = 4.85)

(2) Nan-Ji Jiang, Rui-Tang,Hao Guo, Chao Ning, Jian-Cheng Li, Han Wu, Ling-Qiao Huang and Chan-Zhu Wang*. Olfactory coding of intra-and interspecific pheromonal messages by the maleMythimna separata in North China.Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 2020. 125 (中科院2区,IF = 3.827)


(1) Hao Guo, Chen-Zhu Wang*. The ethological significance and olfactory detection of herbivore-induced plant volatiles in interactions of plants, herbivorous insects, and parasitoids.Arthropod-Plant Interactions, 2019. 13 (2): 161~179.(中科院3区,IF = 1.99)


(1) Hao Guo, Kishor Kunwar and Dean Smith*. Odorant Receptor Sensitivity Modulation in Drosophila,Journal of Neuroscience, 2017, 37(39): 9465~9473. (中科院1区,IF = 7.01)

(2) Hao Guo, Dean Smith. Odorant Receptor Desensitization in Insects.Journal of Experimental Neuroscience, 2017,11:1~5. (中科院3区,IF = 2.17)


(1) Meng Xu#,Hao Guo#, Chao Hou#, Han Wu, Ling-Qiao Huang and Chen-Zhu Wang*. Olfactory perception and behavioral effects of sex pheromone gland components inHelicoverpa armigera andHelicoverpa assulta.Scientific Reports, 2016, 6:22998. (中科院2区,IF = 3.99)

(2) Hao Guo, Antonella Del Corso, Ling-Qiao Huang, Umberto Mura, Paolo Pelosi* and Chen-Zhu Wang*. Aldehyde reductase activity in the antennae ofHelicoverpa armigera.Insect Molecular Biology, 2014, 23(3):330-40. (中科院2区, IF = 2.53)

(3) Yu-Ling Liu#,Hao Guo#, Ling-Qiao Huang, Paolo Pelosi* and Chen-Zhu Wang*. Unique function of a chemosensory protein in the proboscis of twoHelicoverpa species. Journal of Experimental Biology, 2014, 217:1821-6.中科院2区,IF = 3.01)

(4) Hao Guo, Ling-Qiao Huang, Paolo Pelosi* and Chen-Zhu Wang*. Three pheromone-binding proteins help segregation betweenHelicoverpa species utilizing the same pheromone components. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2012, 42 (9):708-16. (中科院2区,IF = 3.83)

(5) Xiao-Jing Jiang, Chao Ning,Hao Guo, Yan-Yan Jia, Ming-Jing Qu and Chen-Zhu Wang*. A gustatory receptor tuned to D-fructose in antennal sensilla chaetica ofHelicoverpa armigera, Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2015, 130:88-96. (中科院2区,IF = 3.83)

(6) Xiao-Jing Jiang,Hao Guo, Chang Di, Shanlin Yu, Ligui Zhu, Ling-Qiao Huang and Chen-Zhu Wang*. Sequence similarity and functional comparisons of pheromone receptor orthologs in two closely relatedHelicoverpa species, Insect Biochemistry and MolecularBiology, 2014, 48:64-74. (中科院2区,IF = 3.83)


1. 郭浩, 王琛柱. 实夜蛾类昆虫对寄主植物的选择和适应(第十章). 植物与昆虫的相互作用. 主编:王琛柱, 娄永根. 北京:科学出版社, 2023.


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