
职称:校聘研究员 硕士生导师




  • 个人简介






2023.03至今 校聘研究员,河北大学

2017.04–2023.01 博士后,西悉尼大学环境研究所








Science Advances,Nature Communications, Ecology Letters,Global Change Biology, New Phytologist, Journal of Ecology, Agronomy for Sustainable Development, Biology and Fertility of Soils, Science of the Total Environment, Plant and Soil, Pedobiologia, Plant Ecology, Frontiers in Plant Science, FEMS Microbiology Ecology.


张海洋目前在生态学国际主流期刊共发表SCI论文38篇,其中以第一或通讯作者发表论文14篇,包括Trends in Microbiology, Ecology Letters, Ecology,Global Ecology and BiogeographyMolecular Ecology等,参与编写专著一部。其论文引用830余次,H-index=15。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目1项,参与3项国家自然科学基金和5项国际合作及研究项目,受邀在多个国际会议作学术报告。长期从事生态系统生态学的养分循环的基础科学问题研究,以植物-土壤微生物相互作用为核心,功能性状为切入点,利用稳定同位素标记、高通量分子测序和生态信息学等分析手段,从方法和理论层面探讨土壤微生物及其功能性状介导的物种对环境梯度和全球变化的响应。


1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:基因组大小对豆科植物共生固氮的调控机制。50万元,执行年度:2024-2027。主持。

2. 中德(CSC-DAAD)博士后奖学金项目:末次冰期低二氧化碳浓度下C3植物及其生物标识物的碳-氢-氧同位素分馏与古气候重建。30万元,执行年度:2015-2017,主持。

3. 德国马普协会与中国科学院公派项目:植物与菌根真菌之间的碳氮传递-氮素利用与同位素分馏。20万元,执行年度:2012-2014,主持。

4. 澳大利亚基金委和工业联盟合作项目:澳洲草地对极端气候变化的响应。200万澳元,执行年度:2017-2020。项目骨干。

5. 澳洲杰出青年项目(Future Fellowship),丛枝菌根真菌养分计量和孢子性状研究。100万澳元,执行年度:2020-2024,项目骨干。

6. 澳大利亚-德国柏林自由大学短期交流项目:全球真菌孢子性状数据库构建与整合。20万澳元,执行年度:2019-2024。项目骨干。

7. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:氮素添加和火烧对退化草地土壤氮素动态和植物氮素利用策略的影响。60万,已结题,参与

8. 国家自然科学基金重大国际合作项目:草原生态系统对极端气候事件的响应:中美联网研究。400万,已结题,参与

9. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:氮沉降对内蒙古草原植物化学计量内稳性、群落结构和生产力的影响及其机理。60万,已结题,参与



1. Zhang H, Bissett A, Aguilar-Trigueros C, Liu H, Powell J (2023).Fungal genome size and composition reflect ecological strategies along soil fertility gradients. Ecology Letters.一区,IF5-year = 9.8.

2. Zhang H, Liu H, Han X (2023). Traits-based approach: leveraging genome size in plant-microbe interactions. Trends in Microbiology.一区,IF5-year = 15.9.

3. Zhang H, Lü X, Wei C, Powell J, Wang X, Xing D, Xu Z, Li H, Han X. (2023). β-diversity in temperate grasslands is driven by stronger environmental filtering of plant species with large genomes,Ecology.一区,IF5-year = 5.3.

4. Zhang H, Plett J, Catunda K, Churchill A, Moore B, Powell J, Power S, Yang J, Anderson I. (2023). Rapid quantification of biological nitrogen fixation using near infrared reflectance spectroscopy. Journal of Experimental Botany.一区,IF5-year = 6.9.

5. Zhang H, Churchill A, Anderson I, Igwenagu C, Power S, Plett J, Macdonald C, Pendall E, Carrillo Y, Powell J. (2021). Ecological stoichiometry and fungal community turnover reveal variation among mycorrhizal partners in their responses to warming and drought.Molecular Ecology.一区,IF5-year = 6.9.


6. Zhang H, Powell J, Plett J, Churchill A, Power S, Macdonald C, Jacob V, Kim G, Pendall E, Tissue D, Catunda K, Igwenagu C, Carrillo Y, Moore B, Anderson I. (2020). Climate warming negates arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal reductions in soil phosphorus leaching with tall fescue but not lucerne.Soil Biology & Biochemistry.一区,IF5-year = 10.0.

7. Zhang H, Hartmann H, Gleixner G, Thoma M, Schwab V. (2019).Carbon isotope fractionation including photosynthetic and post-photosynthetic processes in C3 plants: low [CO2] matters.Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 一区,IF5-year = 6.1.

8. Zhang H, Lü X, Hartmann H, Adrienne K, Han X, Trumbore S, Phillips R. (2018). Foliar nutrient resorption differs between arbuscular mycorrhizal and ectomycorrhizal trees at local and global scales. Global Ecology and Biogeography.一区,IF5-year = 8.0.

9. Zhang H, Lü X, Alan K, Hartmann H, Bai E, Wang Z, Wang X, Wang X, Yu Q, Han X. (2017). Facilitation by leguminous shrubs increases along a precipitation gradient.Functional Ecology.一区,IF5-year = 6.6.

10. Zhang H, Yu Q, Lü X, Trumbore S, Yang J, Han X. (2016). Impacts of leguminous shrub encroachment on neighboring grasses include transfer of fixed nitrogen.Oecologia.二区,IF5-year = 3.6.

11. Zhang H, Powell J, Power S, Churchill A, Plett J, Macdonald C, Jacob V, Kim G, Pendall E, Tissue D, Catunda K, Igwenagu C, Carrillo Y, Moore B, Anderson I. (2021). Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal-mediated reductions in N2O emissions were not impacted by experimental warming for two common pasture species.Pedobiologia. 三区,IF5-year = 3.2.

12. Zhang H, Powell J. (2021). Advances in understanding arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal effects on soil nutrient cycling. Book chapter in Understanding and improving crop root function (ed.Emeritus Prof Peter Gregory).

13. Zhang H, Ziegler W, Han X, Trumbore S, Hartmann H. (2015). Plant carbon limitation does not reduce nitrogen transfer from arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi toPlantago lanceolata.Plant and Soil.一区,IF5-year = 5.4.

14. Zhang H, Wu H, Yu Q, Wang Z, Wei C, Long M, Kattge J, Smith M, Han X. (2013). Sampling date, leaf age and root size: implications for the study of plant C: N: P stoichiometry.PLoS ONE.二区,IF5-year = 4.1.

15. Liu H,Zhang H*, Powell J,Delgado-BaquerizoM, Wang J, Singh B. Warmer and drier ecosystems select for smaller bacterial genomes in global soils.iMeta.

16. Aguilar-Trigueros C, Krah F, Cornwell W, Zanne A, Abrego N, Anderson I, Andrew C, Baldrian P, Bässler C, Bissett A, Chaudhary B, Chen B, Chen Y, Delgado-Baquerizo M, Deveautour C, Egidi E, Flores-Moreno H, Golan J, Heilmann-Clausen J, Hempel S, Hu Y, Kauserud H, Kivlin S, Kohout P, Lammel D, Maestre F, Pringle A, Purhonen J, Singh B, Veresoglou S, Větrovský T,Zhang H, Rillig M, Powell J. Symbiotic status alters fungal eco-evolutionary offspring trajectories.Ecology Letters. 一区,IF5-year = 9.8.

17. Su J,Zhang H, Han X, Lv R, Liu L, Jiang Y, Li H, Kuzyakov Y, Wei C. (2023). 5300-year-old soil carbon is less primed than young soil organic matter.Global Change Biology.一区,IF5-year = 13.1.

18. He P, Ling N, Lv X, Zhang H, Wang C, Wang R, Wei C, Yao J, Wang X, Han X, Nan Z. (2023). Contributions of abundant and rare bacteria to soil multifunctionality depend on aridity and elevation.Applied Soil Ecology 一区,IF5-year = 5.1.

19. Liu H, Wang J, Delgado-Baquerizo M,Zhang H, Li J, Singh B. (2023). Crop microbiome responses to pathogen colonisation regulate the host plant defence.Plant and Soil.一区,IF5-year = 5.4.

20. Chandregowda M, Tjoelker M, Pendall E,Zhang H, Churchill A, Power S. (2023). Belowground carbon allocation, root trait plasticity, and productivity during drought and warming in a pasture grass.Journal of Experimental Botany 一区,IF5-year = 8.0.

21. Jiang L, Cheng H, Peng Y, Sun T, Gao Y, Wang R, Ma Y, Yang J, Yu Q,Zhang H, Han XG, QS Ning. 2023. Relative role of soil nutrients vs. carbon availability on soil carbon mineralization in grassland receiving long-term N addition.Soil& Tillage Research.一区,IF5-year = 7.3.

22. Churchill A, Zhang H, Fuller K, Amiji B, Anderson I, Bartion C, Carrillo Y, Catunda KLM, Igwenagu C, Jacob V, Macdonald C, Medlyn B, Moore B, Pendall E, Plett J, Post A, Powell J, Tissue D, Tjoelker M, Power S. (2022). Pastures and Climate Extremes: Impacts of cool season warming and drought on the productivity of key pasture species in a field experiment.Frontiers in Plant Science.一区, IF5-year = 7.255.

23. Su J,Zhang H, Peñuelas J, Kuzyakov, Y, Filimonenko E, Han X, Wei C. Low carbon availability in paleosols nonlinearly attenuates temperature sensitivity of SOM decomposition.(2022).Global Change Biology. 一区,IF5-year = 13.1.

24. Jacob V, Choat B, Medlyn B, Power S, Churchill A, Zhang H, Craig B, Post A, Tissue D. Pasture grasses exhibit high safety margins to drought-induced hydraulic failure. (2022).Plant, Cell & Environment.一区,IF5-year = 8.5.

25. Catunda KLM, Churchill A, Zhang H, Power S, Moore B. (2021). Short-term drought is a stronger driver of plant morphology and nutritional composition than warming in two common pasture species.Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science.三区,IF5-year = 4.9.

26. Rillig M, Aguilar-Trigueros C, Anderson I, Antonovics J, Ballhausen M, Bergmann J, Bielcik M, Chaudhary V, Deveautour C, et al,Zhang H. (2020).Myristate and the ecology of AM fungi: significance, opportunities, applications and challenges.New Phytologist.一区,IF5-year = 10.8.

27. Jiang M, Caldararu S,Zhang H, Fleischer K, Crous K, Yang J, De Kauwe M, Ellworth D, Reich P, Tissue D, Zaehle S, Medlyn B. (2020).Low phosphorus supply constrains plant responses to elevated CO2: a meta-analysis.Global Change Biology.一区,IF5-year = 13.1.

28. Jacob V,Zhang H, Churchill A, Yang J, Choat B, Medlyn B, Power S, Tissue D.(2021).Warming reduces net carbon gain and productivity in Medicago sativa and Festuca arundinacea. Agronomy.三区,IF5-year = 4.1.

29. Chandregowda M, Tjoelker M, Pendall E, Zhang H, Churchill A, Power S. (2022). Root trait shifts towards an avoidance strategy promote productivity and recovery in C3 and C4 pasture grass species under drought.Functional Ecology.一区,IF5-year = 6.6.

30. Qiu Z, Wang J, Delgado-Baquerizo M, Trivedi P, Egidi E, Chen Y,Zhang H, Singh B. (2020).Plant microbiomes: do different preservation approaches and primer sets alter our capacity to assess microbial diversity and community composition?Frontiers in Plant Science.二区,IF5-year =7.3.

31. Wang X, Lü X,Zhang H, Dijkstra F, Jiang Y, Wang X, Lu J, Wang Z, Han X. (2020).Changes in soil C: N: P stoichiometry along an aridity gradient in drylands of northern China.Geoderma.一区,IF5-year = 7.4.

32. Wang X, Lü X, Dijkstra F,Zhang H, Wang X, Wang Z, Feng J, Han X. (2019).Changes of plant N: P stoichiometry across a 3000-km aridity transect in grasslands of northern China.Plant and Soil.一区,IF5-year = 5.4.

33. Zhang Z, Li Q,Zhang H, Hu Y, Hou S, Wei H, Yin J, Lü X. (2019).The impacts of nutrient addition and livestock exclosure on the soil nematode community in a degraded grassland.Land Degradation & Development.二区,IF5-year = 5.2.

34. Wang X, Yao J,Zhang H, Wang X, Li K, Lü X, Wang Z, Zhou J, Han X. (2019).Environmental and spatial variables determine the taxonomic but not functional structure patterns of microbial communities in alpine grasslands.Science of The Total Environment.一区,IF5-year = 10.2.

35. Lü X, Hu Y,Zhang H, Wei H, Hou S, Yang G, Liu Z, Wang X. (2018).Intraspecific variation drives community-level stoichiometric responses to nitrogen and water enrichment in a temperate steppe.Plant and Soil.一区,IF5-year = 5.4.

36. Lü X, Liu Z, Hu Y,Zhang H. (2018).Testing nitrogen and water co-limitation of primary productivity in a temperate steppe.Plant and Soil.一区,IF5-year = 5.44.

37. Long M, Wu H, Smith M, La Pierre K, Lü X,Zhang H, Han X, Yu Q. (2016). Nitrogen deposition promotes phosphorus uptake of plants in a semi-arid temperate grassland.Plant and Soil.一区,IF5-year = 5.4.

38. Quan Z, Huang B, Lu C, Shi Y, Chen X,Zhang H, Fang Y. (2016).The fate of fertilizer nitrogen in a high nitrate accumulated agricultural soil.Scientific Reports.二区,IF5-year = 5.5.

39. Wei C, Zheng H, Li Q, Lü X, Yu Q, Zhang H, Chen Q, He N, Kardol P, Liang W, Han X. (2012).Nitrogen addition regulates soil nematode community composition through ammonium suppression.PLoS ONE.二区,IF5-year = 4.1.



1. 功能性状联网研究研讨会,网络会议,2022年9月(组织者:Brian J. Enquist, Rachael Gallagher, Roberto Salguero-Gomez)(受邀报告)题目:Life history strategies and niches of soil fungi emerge from genome size variation

2. 澳洲植物学年会,悉尼,2021(受邀报告)题目:揭开丛枝菌根真菌菌丝内高磷含量的秘密:基因组大小,核糖核酸和多磷酸盐

3. 欧洲地球物理年会,维也纳,2021题目:Ecological stoichiometry reveals variation among mycorrhizal partners in phosphorus and nitrogen responses to warming and drought.

4. 澳大利亚生态学年会,塔斯马尼亚, 2019题目:The effects of mycorrhizal fungi on N2O emission shifts under warming.

5. 澳大利亚生态学年会,昆士兰, 2018题目:Climate warming negates arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal reductions in soil phosphorus leaching with tall fescue but not Lucerne.

6. 国际植物学大会,深圳, 2017题目:Root traits mediate shrub-grass coexistence in Inner Mongolia grassland.

7. 第46届德国-奥地利-瑞士生态学年会,2016题目:Carbon isotope fractionation including photosynthetic and post-photosynthetic processes in C3 plants: low [CO2] matters.


1. 第49届美国地球物理学年会(洛杉矶),2019

2. 第47届美国地球物理年会(洛杉矶),2017

3. 全球极端气候与生物地球化学循环研讨会(奥地利),2013


院长信箱 jiangyon...



