教育背景 (Education):
1987-1991,美国Stephen F. Austin State University,博士
工作经历 (Resume):
现兼任《昆虫学报》主编, Bulletin of Entomological Research, NeoBiota等8个国际期刊Subject editor 或编委; 还兼任联合国粮农组织FAO亚太地区森林入侵种网络(FAO Asia-Pacific Forest Invasive Species Network)负责人, 国际昆虫学大会执委(CICE), 全国林业有害生物防治技术标准化委员会副主任等。
1. 国家重点研发生物安全专项:重大外来入侵物种适应性演化与进化机制研究,2964万元,项目负责人,2021-2024
2. 国家自然科学基金委基础科学中心项目:生物信息流的解码与操纵,1200万元,项目5人核心骨干,2020-2025
3. 国家自然科学基金委中美Dimensions合作研究项目:伴生微生物在入侵害虫(RTB和EAB入侵成灾过程中的作用机制),300万元,项目负责人,2020-2025
研究主要以红脂大小蠹和松材线虫为研究对象,以化学生态和分子生物学技术为手段研究“寄主植物-害虫-伴生真菌-细菌”间多营养级互作和入侵害虫的入侵机理;研究多物种间化学通讯机制并探讨其分子调控机理,进而揭示入侵种的入侵机制,同时基于这些基础研究结果,研发防控技术;发表学术论文250余篇,代表性成果发表于PNAS、Science Advances、Nature Communications、The ISME Journal、Microbiome、Current Biology、Ecology、New Phytologist等150余篇,代表性论文入选F1000,得到Nature、Nature China,American Scientist,National Geograph等评述;Ecology封面论文等;先后4次受邀在Annual Review(Annual Review of Entomology 3篇;Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution and Systematics)系列杂志和Trends in Parasitology发表综述性论文。已获授权国家发明专利19项,行业标准1项。研发的以信息素为核心的有关森林害虫入侵种防控技术得到推广应用,一些研究成果入选中国科学院科学院年报(2007)和十二五中国科学院标志性成果(2017), 美国农业部USDA Research Highlights,国家自然科学基金委国际评估典型案例(2010),撰写的一些有关重要林业外来入侵种的防控建议得到了国家领导人的批示和相关部委的落实。
代表性论文 (Selected Publications):
1. Fang-Hua Liu#, Fang-Yuan Ye#, Yun-Wen Yang#, Zhi-Wei Kang, Yang Liu, Wei Chen, Sai-Ge Wang, Hong-Ru Kou, Le Kang*, Jiang-Hua Sun*. (2024). Gut bacteria are essential for development of an invasive bark beetle by regulating glucose transport. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 121(33): e2410889121.
2. Jiang-Hua Sun*, Tuuli-Marjaana Koski, Jcob D. Wickham, Yuri N. Baranchikov, Kathyryn E. Bushley. (2024). Emerald ash borer management and research: decades of damage and still expanding. Annual Review of Entomology 69: 239-258.
3. Xuan Tang#, Jiao Zhou#, Tuuli-Marjaana Koski#, Shiyao Liu, Lilin Zhao, Jianghua Sun*. (2023). Hypoxia-induced tracheal elasticity in vector beetle facilitates the loading of pinewood nematode. eLife 12: e84621.
4. Fang-Hua Liu#, Fang-Yuan Ye#, Chi-Hang Cheng#, Zhi-Wei Kang, Hong-Ru Kou, Jiang-Hua Sun*. (2022). Symbiotic microbes aid host adaptation by metabolizing a deterrent host pine carbohydrate D-pinitol in a beetle-fungus invasive complex. Science Advances 8: eadd5051.
5. Fang-Hua Liu#, Jacob D. Wickham#, Qing-Jie Cao, Min Lu, Jiang-Hua Sun*. (2020). An invasive beetle-fungus complex is maintained by fungal nutritional-compensation mediated by bacterial volatiles. The ISME Journal 14: 2829-2842.
6. Yixia Wu#, Jacob D. Wickham#, Lilin Zhao*, Jianghua Sun*. (2019). CO2 drives pine wood nematode off its insect vector. Current Biology 29: R619-R620.
7. Chihang Cheng#, Jacob D. Wickham#, Li Chen, Dandan Xu, Min Lu*, Jianghua Sun*. (2018). Bacterial microbiota protect an invasive bark beetle from a pine defensive compound. Microbiome 6: 132.
8. Fangyuan Zhou#, Letian Xu#, Shanshan Wang#, Bo Wang, Qiaozhe Lou, Min Lu*, Jianghua Sun*. (2017). Bacterial volatile ammonia regulates the consumption sequence of D-pinitol and D-glucose in a fungus associated with an invasive bark beetle. The ISME Journal 11: 2809-2820.
9. Lilin Zhao, Xinxing Zhang, Yanan Wei, Jiao Zhou, Wei Zhang, Peijun Qin, Satya Chinta, Xiangbo Kong, Yunpeng Liu, Haiying Yu, Songnian Hu, Zhen Zou*, Rebecca A. Butcher*, Jianghua Sun*. (2016). Ascarosides coordinate the dispersal of a plant-parasitic nematode with the metamorphosis of its vector beetle. Nature Communications 7: 12341.
10. Min Lu, Jiri Hulcr, Jianghua Sun*. (2016). The role of symbiotic microbes in insect invasions. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 47: 487-505.
11. Lilin Zhao, Shuai Zhang, Wei Wei, Haijun Hao, Bin Zhang, Rebecca A. Butcher*, Jianghua Sun*. (2013). Chemical signals synchronize the life cycles of a plant-parasitic nematode and its vector beetle. Current Biology 23: 2038-2043.
12. Jianghua Sun, Min Lu, Nancy E. Gillette*, Michael J. Wingfield. (2013). Red turpentine beetle: innocuous native becomes invasive tree killer in China. Annual Review of Entomology 58: 293-311.
13. Lilin Zhao#, Min Lu#, Hongtao Niu, Guofei Fang, Shuai Zhang, Jianghua Sun*. (2013). A native fungal symbiont facilitates the prevalence and development of an invasive pathogen-native vector symbiosis. Ecology 94: 2817-2826.
14. Min Lu, Michael J. Wingfield, Nancy Gillette*, Jianghua Sun*. (2011). Do novel genotypes drive the success of an invasive bark beetle-fungus complex? Implications for potential reinvasion. Ecology 92: 2013-2019. (封面论文)
15. Min Lu, Michael J. Wingfield, Nancy E. Gillette, Sylvia R. Mori, Jianghua Sun*. (2010). Complex interactions among host pines and fungi vectored by an invasive bark beetle. New Phytologist 187: 859-866.
16. Min Lu, Xudong Zhou, Z. Wilhelm De Beer, Michael J. Wingfield, Jianghua Sun*. (2009). Ophiostomatoid fungi associated with the invasive pine-infesting bark beetle, Dendroctonus valens, in China. Fungal Diversity 38: 133-145.